Awestrucked by all these different colors that brought about by Spring. :) Last week was really an awesome week and weather, well aside from my fabulous celebration *wink* :) To a hectic schedule weekends, the "Open Everything event @ NYC" was great. Down to a beautiful weather, flowers are everywhere, made me wonder if they just planted those flowers but they're really in some unexpected places popping around in red, yellow, white and pink ... trees have different flowers beautiful to look at...I said before spring comes, maybe I wouldn't like Spring because I don't like rains...just because I had much of it when I was growing up hahaha! but it brings flowers... now I believe on the saying "April rains brings May flowers" :) now I'm, luvin it..especially I can wear now lighter clothes as compare to the thick clothes of winter. :) The colors of spring is like nature's way of saying, "What a refreshing day to celebrate!" Fr...
A blog created for my family and friends. To keep them posted of my thoughts, ideas, expressions, bubbly self and things that I have been doing. And, maybe soon I might discover something worth and interesting to blog about.0_o For now .....this is all about "My life's tittle-tattle"