I found this very interesting site that share about Choosing Voluntary Simplicity The title alone is catchy; we thought that to live simply is living by not having much, I don’t think God will be happy about this because He wants us to have much.:)
Let me share with you some of the articles that I think worth to be shared and tell me if it doesn’t make sense with you.
Kudos! To the writer.. for her wonderful insight and wisdom!
Here are some of her insightful and life changing article. Happy reading!
Some Thoughts About Voluntary Simplicity
Voluntary simplicity is a philosophy. Often called compassionate living...
Learning To Slow Down
Life today for most people moves at a hectic pace. A surprising number of people are convinced that they always have to be “doing something”
How We Are Living A Simpler Life
“There is no one way to do it right. Everybody has a different concept of how they want to live and what will make them happy. For us, the important things are our faith, our children, our family and friends, and our home.”
How To Be Happy In A Mostly Unhappy World
So what can we do to promote a cheerful attitude and feel happier? A must read! :)
Downshifting To A Simpler Life
Downshifting means working towards simple living by making conscious choices to leave materialism behind and move on to more sustainable living.
Real Advice for the Current Economic Situation
The economy will eventually improve. In the meantime, it makes sense to live frugally, not make unnecessary purchases, make the most of the things we already have...
Sources: http://www.choosingvoluntarysimplicity.com
Let me share with you some of the articles that I think worth to be shared and tell me if it doesn’t make sense with you.
Kudos! To the writer.. for her wonderful insight and wisdom!
Here are some of her insightful and life changing article. Happy reading!
Some Thoughts About Voluntary Simplicity
Voluntary simplicity is a philosophy. Often called compassionate living...
Learning To Slow Down
Life today for most people moves at a hectic pace. A surprising number of people are convinced that they always have to be “doing something”
How We Are Living A Simpler Life
“There is no one way to do it right. Everybody has a different concept of how they want to live and what will make them happy. For us, the important things are our faith, our children, our family and friends, and our home.”
How To Be Happy In A Mostly Unhappy World
So what can we do to promote a cheerful attitude and feel happier? A must read! :)
Downshifting To A Simpler Life
Downshifting means working towards simple living by making conscious choices to leave materialism behind and move on to more sustainable living.
Real Advice for the Current Economic Situation
The economy will eventually improve. In the meantime, it makes sense to live frugally, not make unnecessary purchases, make the most of the things we already have...
Sources: http://www.choosingvoluntarysimplicity.com