Marks the beginning of Lent or Kwarisma in Filipino. Where in on this day, Christian churches like the Catholics attend mass and receive ashes on their foreheads and the priest or lay ministers utter these words while putting the ashes " Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return."
Lent is a holy week in the Philippines it's mostly observed by Filipinos and Holy Thursday and Holy Friday are even declared as holidays.
What is lent? as commonly known it's a 40-day liturgical season that begins today Ash Wednesday and concludes on Easter Sunday. By the way Sunday is not included in the 40 days. Yes, because Sunday is where we celebrate mass and should be a joyful celebration.:)
What is lent really? For me I always believed that we need this kind of season for its year. A season for reflection and repentance. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to evaluate where our life is going, what our response to God is like, and whether there is need for change in these things and what are the things in our life that needs some discipline..:)
And for those who are observing fasting, you might want to check this first. This site by Bill Bright of Campus Crusade for Christ International. The 7 Basic Steps to Successful Fasting and Prayer.
So, may this Lenten season be our hope and chance to recommit ourselves to following God's will and renewing our childlike faith.
May God be praised.
Lent is a holy week in the Philippines it's mostly observed by Filipinos and Holy Thursday and Holy Friday are even declared as holidays.
What is lent? as commonly known it's a 40-day liturgical season that begins today Ash Wednesday and concludes on Easter Sunday. By the way Sunday is not included in the 40 days. Yes, because Sunday is where we celebrate mass and should be a joyful celebration.:)
What is lent really? For me I always believed that we need this kind of season for its year. A season for reflection and repentance. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to evaluate where our life is going, what our response to God is like, and whether there is need for change in these things and what are the things in our life that needs some discipline..:)
And for those who are observing fasting, you might want to check this first. This site by Bill Bright of Campus Crusade for Christ International. The 7 Basic Steps to Successful Fasting and Prayer.
So, may this Lenten season be our hope and chance to recommit ourselves to following God's will and renewing our childlike faith.
May God be praised.