The tag line I used in one of the commercial of Philippine Information Agency (PIA) . A friend of mine referred me to PIA to do this commercial; at first I was hesitant since this is a government move. But on the contrary I thought of why not doing this commercial… so people will have a chance to see the opportunities that we have around now as compare before. Another thought that comes into my mind when I did that PIA commercial is that, I want something positive things being aired in national television, being an optimist… I want for the people to see that there are also some progress happening in our country may it small or big opportunities…So, I finally say yes to do the commercial. Whew…friends calling and texting me, asking if I did a commercial or that I'm working in one of the TV station hehehe :) Well, It was just a 30 minute kinda shoot and they've got some of the catchy lines that I said on that interview….and it was only played seconds on air…which is for me not...
A blog created for my family and friends. To keep them posted of my thoughts, ideas, expressions, bubbly self and things that I have been doing. And, maybe soon I might discover something worth and interesting to blog about.0_o For now .....this is all about "My life's tittle-tattle"